Thursday, September 16, 2010

Whoopsy been very slack with blog posts lately sorry.. I just have been flat out with pom pom making, photo shoots, website planning, working out new products and last but not least having a biopsy on this new found lump on my thyroid oh what fun...I now have to have just half my Thyroid out for the time being but there is 20% chance if that is cancer they will have to go back in and take it all out...Fun Fun..I hate this waiting game heheh..I will be meeting with my Surgeon next Friday the 24th.. So just keeping my mind on my busy little venture Ah-Tissue..

Also the day I went for my Biopsy I found out that 2 of my Pom Poms are in the latest October issue - Shop till you drop Magazine and on page 191

Tomorrow I will be drawing 10 lucky dip winners as I have now hit past the 1000 like mark on my facebook page so if you are a liker you maybe a winner..
Will do a post tomorrow with all the stay tuned..

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